Sunday, May 26, 2013

More Knights

    Yesterday in Western Civilization we reviewed the vocabulary for our last test before the final. I had not finished finding the meaning of the words before the class ended, but we had found the meanings to those words at the end of class. Hopefully this test won't be like the last one and I also hope that I can focus on the next and larger exam after this test. Best of luck to all my fellow classmates and best to other people soon to take it too.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chivalrous Young Lads

     Today in West Civ Mr. Schick started to teach us about the Middle Ages. Although he doesn't seem to like that era and neither do, just because they never really seemed to advance or do anything well during that time. Although I guess you could say that there was the iron plow.... and the giant birds.... But anyway, I hope to have fun learning about the medieval times even though they seemed to be lazier than a pig when it came to new technologies...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hardest Test So Far

     Today in Western Civ, other than getting to sit behind the new class president, I also finally got back my third test on Rome. This test was quite hard, and although I did not do well by my normal standards; I felt particularly proud considering I missed a full day of class without getting the material. All in all, I guess even though I had not done well on the test, I can still hope for the best on the final, for which I now know what I can study from our last section.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Barbarians Conquer Rome!

    Today in Western Civ class we got a chance to hear about the final days of the once powerful Roman Empire. We learned of how the Romans just couldn't handle the numerous tribes of Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. As they slowly lost power; they were one step closer to their own demise. We learned that the barbaric tribes finally looted Rome in the fifth century A.D. The saddest part of it all, is that the barbarians didn't even bother with the Roman king. They simply threw the fifteen year old boy to the side rather than killing him like they'd do to an actual leader.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


      Today in Western Civ, we had to take what I thought was one of the hardest tests of the semester. Even though it was short, Even I couldn't be quite prepared for it; it being fill in the answer. What made it even worse is that I took the test even after missing Friday's which I believe would've been essential to me doing better. Anyway, while you hear me rant, I still hope I did well; having other tests today and trying my hardest on each.

P.S. Mr. Schick, go check out the video of the astronaunt singing in the first music video in space.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Questions Anyone?

      Today in class Mr. Schick had us study in an unusual way, one that involved both thinking about a question and finding the answer. He tested our knowledge by making us think questions that would be on Wednesday's test. I thought up a few just like quite a few other people in class while others decided to play music and laugh the whole time. I hope that what I study will help me on my test and just in case you want them Mr. Schick here are my questions.

What is NOT one of the things Diocletian did?

What are some of the problems that Rome faced with Christianity? (Short Answer)

In what year did Constantine pass the Edict of Milan?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sick Day :(

      Dear Mr. Schick,
              I am sorry that I couldn't be in class to see what we did the other day, because I was sick. I hope to be back next class and ready to get back on the lesson.