Thursday, January 17, 2013

Starting Over

           Today in Western Civilization class with Mr. Schick we started to set up our blogs and went over the rules that I had learned at the beginning of the school year. While in class I remembered what a great time I had with Mr. Schick and my old class during the first semester. Although I feel I had an awesome time in my Human-Geo class, I hope to have an even better one in my new Western Civilization class. I guess you can't just assume something, when you haven't really done anything yet. Today was just the start though to something fun and enjoyable that will last until we start next year. I hope to have many fun adventures with my new classmates, whether it be just doing well on grades or just having. I guess I'll have to wait and find out, but for now things are looking good.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you back in my section again, Sean! Looking forward to a good semester in WestCiv.
