Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Link: Guns, Germs, and Steel-Western Civ LO1

       In Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond theorized that the whole reason that people became so diverse was because of sheer geographic luck. This is proven through our textbook by the way it describes what happened to us after we discovered all these new things we could use to our advantage.
            Some of the first things we did as early human beings was called hunting and gathering which involved some people going out and hunting for large animals which could be eaten or staying back and gathering things like plants which could be harvested and eaten as well. Although this was a quite effective strategy for surviving, the people inside these hunting and gathering communities were always on the move and wouldn’t always have food to follow.
            Soon after the hunters and gatherers, came villages and domestics animals and crops; some of the most important features that helped early people thrive according to Guns, Germs, and Steel. The area known as Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent was the pinnacle for human life, where villages were formed and people could be specialized in certain types of work. Some even became inventors for their time. Those inventors created one of the most important features for their time, which would benefit them for a great time. They created the granary.
            With the invention of the granary and human life thriving in the Fertile Crescent even larger villages were formed, just how Jared Diamond’s book said it happened, so many great things happening at such a fast rate. It is incredible to think of what we accomplished so long ago.   

1 comment:

  1. "Soon after the hunters and gatherers, came villages and domestics animals and crops..." But HOW did the villages come about? What was the impetus? Making that connection - the heart and soul of Diamond's theory - was the only thing missing from an otherwise excellent essay. Nice work, Sean.

