Monday, April 29, 2013

Tiberius No!

     Today in Western Civ we got to watch yet another cool video that Mr. Schick found about Western Civilization. Today we watched a video about ancient Rome, or more specifically about Tiberius' son who was also named Tiberius. We learned that Tiberius' father was not only a champion to Rome, but that Tiberius also had to live up to his father's footsteps. We saw his first mark on history when he conquered Carthage, Rome's greatest rival on the Medditerranean. We'll have to keep watching, but until then. This is me signing off.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sick Days and Quests

        The other day in Western Civilization class we reviewed or "quest", which was half quiz and half test. It seemed fairly easy to me, but after listening to what our teacher Mr. Schick had to say, I quickly learned that nearly half his students had failed the quest. When we went over the answers, we also found out that there wasn't one question that everyone had gotten right, even this one, "Which teacher/rapper made up the song "Rome"? I'm glad to have even did as well as I did after hearing those averages. But even so the only parts that were actually troubling to me were those questions about which parts of the Roman government are similar to parts of our government.

P.S.- Mr. Schick I'm sorry I couldn't do the blog yesterday, because I had a migraine.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Quest!

        "Lord today we have a quiz, tell us what the answers is" and, "Lord today we have a test, help us all to do our best" are just some things we as Mr. Schick's Western Civ class say before a quiz or a test, But what happens when we have a quest? I'll tell you this much... I don't know... But either way, today we had a quest that was twenty five questions long. It seemed rather easy, but I guess even though I already know what I got, that sometimes you just have to wait for the next quest.

Quests Are Coming!

    Yes tomorrow we have a quest, Mr. Schick class it this because it is literally have quiz and half test. Although I'm not quite sure how that will work, I'm sure that Mr. Schick will find a way to make our quest half quiz and test.. During class we had also reviewed partially for this quest by going over the song by Chi-Cago called "Rome". I hope I'll do well because I memorized everything from the Punic Wars, to Julius Ceasar, to Hannibal and I hope that helps. Until next time, this is me signing off.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Music Video!

     Today in Mr. Schick's Western Civ class we got to see the videos made by other classmates for Mr. Schick's song that taught us about Rome. First there was the video by Abbey and Victoria and it was actually way cooler than I had expected it to be. It had everything from the pictures to changing font size and moving the text so it looked even more professional.
     Then there was Harry and William's video which although was funny at first, it only went for the first nine seconds and then kept looping.
     And then there was mine and Timmy's which was pretty cool and funny with the pictures and we both thought we did well. Can I hear extra credit? Yep. Anyway, until next time.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dat Music

          A few days ago in Mr. Schick's Western Civ class we got to see a fellow classmates music video. Except they added their own little touch to the song. Not only were their pictures and acting really good, but also the fact that they sung the song by Mr. Schick! I can honestly say that, that was really cool to see and that I hope that me and Timmy can do this well as well. P.S. Timmy I'm sorry I couldn't help on Friday or Saturday D:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dat Music Video

       Today in Mr. Schick's Western Civilization class we continued to work on our video for Mr. Schick's song! Timmy and I so far got a new program for editing the video and got over 15 pictures. I really like some of them that really capture the intensity of the Roman battle. And until next time when I write again... Bye!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Could that Be Mr. Schick?

         Finally after about five days without having Mr. Schick teach class, he came back into action and began to teach us once again. Today however, we had to have a fire drill and had very little class time as a result. Although this set us back a bit, we still eventually got to find out that we were going to make a movie or music video for Mr. Schick's song! Hope to get to that soon and have more fun in the future!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scipio! Finally!

             Yesterday in Western Civ class we had yet another sub for Mr. Schick. This time, the Honors German teacher, and although we didn't have as much fun as yesterday, like when we made our comics: ( But what we did do was getting to take the entire forty minute class to take notes on the Romans like I have below. Believe it or not, I actually found the Romans to be very interesting, and although I didn't take notes on it, I also read all of LO-3 which seems way more interesting than the lesson before. It taught me about Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony, and even my favorite of all Scipio. :D. I hope to learn more about Rome and its civil wars in the future, but until then, this is me, signing off.

             The Romans relied heavily on military power and farming to continue their expansion. They first conquered their neighboring countries such as the Etruscans and other competing Italian tribes and barbarian invaders. One of Rome’s most powerful weapons was its military that was based heavily off of the Ancient Greek and Macedonia militaries. The Romans also based other things off of the Greeks, including their government. Although the Romans had a different system, it was very closely related to the Greek’s. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yep, It's A Comic

          Today in Western Civ, or should I say Spanish class... Just kidding, today in Western Civ class we had a sub, Mrs. Magner. And although Schick-ago couldn't be here to make everything as awesome as usual, we still got to do some fun stuff while he was gone, including making a comic! Somehow Mr. Schick still has us doing fun things even without being there... In this comic, we were supposed to tell the story of Romulus and Remus and how they came to be and create the origin of Rome!
           I hope Mr. Schick laughs at Timmy and I's, because I think it'll be great. :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Do Da Rap!

        Today in Mr. Schick's class we started out things a little bit differently... When class started, instead of the usual Mr. Schick in a dress shirt and tie, we got rapper Schick or Schick-ago. You see what he there (just like Flo-rida :D). After Mr. Schick-ago and Schick La Mar finished doing their awesomely made rap, we got to go over some notes about the new LO-1 and we got our tests back! I did great like I hoped I would and I was happy to see some of my friends did the same. But anyway.... Schick-ago "What What" peace...


  • The Romans loved the way the Greeks did things, and both imitated what the Greeks did and improved onto them (at keast in terms of military and government)
  • Everyone feared the Romans for the most part
  • The Latins settled in Italy, just west of the Greek mainland
  • Italy had a great location for military invasion, farming, and spotting an enemy navy/army
  • The Etruscans and the Greeks also settled Italy
  • Italy was another male ran society- The Senate
  • Patricians were the more wealthy and powerful Romans, the plebeians might have been doing well in business, but they weren't "conected"

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lord Today We Had A Test!

       Today, as you can probably already tell by the title; we had a test. Test was on Alexander the Great and his life. Somehow, I seemed to have forgot about having this very test over the break and was very lucky that I had gotten the chance to use my blog to help find the answers. I was happy to also see that I was one of the first to finish the test and that I felt all my answers had been correct. I'm sure that although I lot of people, including myself, had been taken by surprise by the test, that they also did very well like I feel I did. Until next time, R.I.P. Margaret Thatcher. :(


After Alexander's troops conquered Persia he decided to move for India in 326 B.C.

He crossed the Indus River and met King Ambi in Taxila

Alexander's horse, Bycephalus, died in the battle of Hydaspas

Alexander was born on July 21 of 356 B.C.

He died on the June 10 of 324 B.C.

He died from Typhoid Fever

When he died, his empire almost immediately collapsed

When his people asked who should take over, he said, "It goes to the strongest"

First fought King Darius II, King of Persia

The Battle of Granicus
The Battle of Issus
The Battle of Tyre
The Battle of Gaugamela