Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scipio! Finally!

             Yesterday in Western Civ class we had yet another sub for Mr. Schick. This time, the Honors German teacher, and although we didn't have as much fun as yesterday, like when we made our comics: ( But what we did do was getting to take the entire forty minute class to take notes on the Romans like I have below. Believe it or not, I actually found the Romans to be very interesting, and although I didn't take notes on it, I also read all of LO-3 which seems way more interesting than the lesson before. It taught me about Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony, and even my favorite of all Scipio. :D. I hope to learn more about Rome and its civil wars in the future, but until then, this is me, signing off.

             The Romans relied heavily on military power and farming to continue their expansion. They first conquered their neighboring countries such as the Etruscans and other competing Italian tribes and barbarian invaders. One of Rome’s most powerful weapons was its military that was based heavily off of the Ancient Greek and Macedonia militaries. The Romans also based other things off of the Greeks, including their government. Although the Romans had a different system, it was very closely related to the Greek’s. 

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