Monday, March 18, 2013

The Not So Exciting War and More

      The Peloponnesian War was started when an arrogant Athenian King, Pericles, decided he could beat the Spartans, who had the most powerful land based infantry in Greece just by simply staying within Athens' walls. Today, we can say that plan didn't work at all mainly because; he basically had his people within the walls not even fighting, so there would be no victory unless the Spartans went to sea (Which never happened). At one point the Athenian ships brought home an unwelcome guest along with the regular supplies, this guest was....(Insert dramatic/ evil voice here) The Plague. After one third of the population including the king Pericles died it seemed that there was nothing left, but defeat for Athens. And in my point of view, at that point they had lost the war...

        During the time 359 B.C. in ancient Greece, King Philip II of Macedonia ruled and was the father of Alexander the Great, the man who would later become a great conqueror of nations. During 359 B.C. King Philip II also won the 106th Greek Olympics in the chariot races.  

Hellenistic- Hellenistic is used to describe the time of great learning and literature from the life of Alexander the Great to the death of Cleopatra. When Greek characteristics were modified by foreign elements.

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