Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be Carried Back on Your Shield...

            Today in Western Civilization we continued to review over Mr. Schick’s outline which he made to help prepare us for the chapter test. Today we focused on the Greeks and the early Greek civilizations like the Mycenaeans and the Minoans, who lived on Crete, Greece’s largest island. Sadly though, all we know about how they were wiped out was by oral tradition and even then all we get from it, is that they were wiped out by the sea people…
            As class went on we also started to talk about the Greeks and their types of government. One of these was called a tyranny, which is when someone claims power from the current leader and rules with an iron fist. My favorite Greeks, the Spartans, however, had a different point of view, they had every male since they turned seven put into the military and were only released when they turned sixty. And these Spartans, since they had most of their men in the army and only the old men and all women stayed at home; were forced to make a oligarchy, where the elders made all the choices.
            Either way you think about it, the Greeks were some of the coolest people in history and I’m glad that they’re still around today; even if they’re not the same people they were back then…   

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