Saturday, February 16, 2013

Reviewing Da Test

Yesterday in Western Civilization class instead of working with our groups on our project; we went over the test on the first Learning Objective we had last week. The test was early civilizations and early human life. This included early societies like Egypt and Mesopotamia. This test focused on Egypt and more specifically how their life was affected by the Nile. As we reviewed the test we talked yet again how the Nile shaped the Egyptians everyday life. The essays were some of the better examples of this. In my essay I explained that the reason the Nile helped the Egyptians, was because the Nile helped the Egyptians with things like transportation, irrigation, and better soil for planting. Throughout Egypt’s time, its survival even as an early civilization was affected by the Nile. I just hope we get to us this test on our next one with our project!  

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